Evenimentul s-a desfasurat în perioada 9-10 noiembrie 2023, atat in format fizic, dar si online și va reuni studenți, oameni de știință, ingineri, reprezentanți ai industriei și alți factori interesați în dezvoltarea de noi metode, concepte și materiale folosind tehnologii noi și emergente, precum și modelarea materialelor.
Articolul cu titlul „VULNERABILITIES AND PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE OF SYSTEMS FOR ADVANCED ANOMALY DETECTION IN SMART MICROGRIDS” a fost conceput in contextul colaborarii cu UPB si partenerul Monsson.
Partenerul Monsson a contribuit cu transmiterea de date ce provin de la echipamnetele producatoare de energie electrica din surse regenerabile: Adresa IP a comunicatiei Modbus TCP/IP, Functia de citire/scriere date, adresele tag-urilor (de exemplu Inverter Activ Power, Inverter Reactive Power, Inverter DC Power, SBB_Uout, SBB_Imax, DCP120VoltageS1, DCP120CurrentS, DCP120Poutput etc.).
Abstract: With the technological advance and based on the agreements of the European Commission, more and more technologies and material models are born to achieve the goals for the energy sector. At the same time, there is also an imposition of a response strategy to the vulnerabilities [1] of the production and consumption systems of electrical and thermal energy and maintaining the operating parameters as long as possible through advanced detection [2]. As an answer, the current work aims to address the two issues: vulnerabilities and predictive maintenance of systems for advanced anomaly detection. A real case study (smart microgrid of 120 kWp with two storage batteries of 50 kW and 40 kW, and the infrastructure of sensors and data collection) will demonstrate the applicability of the chosen methods. For this, it will be modelled using Machine Learning algorithms, using real-time data [3]. Advanced detection indicators will be analyzed and interpreted for better understanding.
Key words: microgrid, predictive maintenance, system vulnerability, real time data, simulation
[1] Rossi, L.; Leone, D.; Barni, A.; Fontana, A. Assessing the Sustainability of Industrial Equipment Life Extension Strategies through a Life Cycle Approach: Methodology and Practical Guidelines. Processes 2022, 10, 203. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr10020203 [2] Kiemel, S.; Rietdorf, C.; Schutzbach, M.; Miehe, R. How to Simplify Life Cycle Assessment for Industrial Applications—A Comprehensive Review. Sustainability 2022, 14, 15704. https://doi.org/10.3390/su142315704 [3] Jasiulewicz-Kaczmarek, M.; Antosz, K.; Zhang, C.; Ivanov, V. Industry 4.0 Technologies for Sustainable Asset Life Cycle Management. Sustainability 2023, 15, 5833. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15075833Acknowledgements:
This work was funded by a grant through the Programme 3 – European and International Cooperation – Subprogramme 3.2 in the frame of the Horizon 2020 Financial Mechanism, project ID: 290/2022.
La conferinta au participat Prof. Dr. Tudor Prisecaru, State Secretary at Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitisation, Romania, dar si Iulia Mihail, Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation, Romania. Totodata Antoaneta Folea, reprezentanta UEFISCDI a prezentat „EVOLUTION OF MATERIALS ENGINEERING: CURRENT AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS IN EUROPEAN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION”.
Pentru mai multe detalii, puteti contacta autorii articolului sau liderii de proiect:
Teodora Mîndra1, Luiza Ocheană2, Lucian Toma3
1Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA, teodora.mindra@sis.ro
2 Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA, luiza.ocheana@sis.ro
3 Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie Politehnica București, lucian.toma@upb.ro