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PARFAIT Platform for the protection of personal data in Internet of Things applications
Project details
The main purpose of the PARFAIT project is to develop a platform for the protection of personal data in Internet of Things applications, which will be tested on 2 case studies. Another objective of the project is to reduce the complexity of integrating and implementing services in today’s Internet of Things technology, by providing interoperable tools and components.
Interoperability, together with the security and confidentiality of personal data, are the two most important limitations of the growth of the Internet of Things market. Interoperability increases the complexity of production processes and production costs. On the other hand, the lack of security and trust for the protection of privacy puts a barrier between service providers and consumers, which can be defined as enterprises and final consumers. This barrier directly affects the widespread adoption of Internet of Things applications. By finding solutions to these problems, the project aims to generate huge business potential. The economic impact of the project will be achieved through an integrated, scalable framework of confidentiality and security, which will be demonstrated through three case studies conducted by industrial partners of the project consortium. These case studies are selected as Personal Information Management in a Smart Hotel type application, a Smart Home application with new text and voice command services, and a Smart Office application.
Instead of restricting the business potential for certain vertical domains, the consortium intends to present a global confidentiality and security framework, within which various thematic frameworks can be built. This approach will increase the business potential and the adoption of project results on a wider market. The project will define methods, rules and practices regarding interoperability and security / confidentiality. The methodologies and policies defined will be used as the basis for developing libraries and tools that will build the foundation layer for domain-specific IoT.
Phase I, “Technical studies and comparative analysis on the development of IoT platforms to meet the needs of users”, was completed in December 2018 and consisted of five activities. The current state was evaluated, the users’ and architecture’s requirements were analyzed and the technical specifications required for the IoT security and security solutions that meet these requirements were formalized. These were the basis for defining the confidentiality and security modules of the platform. Also within this activity were defined the characteristics and functions of the applications and demonstrators used to evaluate the solutions developed within the project.
– Dirty, Victor; Balaceanu, Cristina; Anwar, Muneeb; Past, Adrian; Ijaz, Hussain; Dobrea, Marius; Beceanu, Cristian. (2018). Analysis of Agriculture Sensors Based on IoT. 423-427.10.1109 / ICComm.2018.8453735
Stage II, “Technical studies and comparative analysis regarding the development of IoT platforms to meet the needs of the users; Design and implementation of the platform ”, is carried out between 22/12/2018 – 20/12/2019. Within four activities proposed for this stage, we want to define the users’ requirements, designing the basic architectures according to the considered IoT domains, developing the confidentiality and security framework of the platform and developing the thematic frameworks.
Stage III, “Implementation of platform components; Demonstration and validation of platform components Design and implementation of the platform; Demonstration and validation of the platform; Dissemination, exploitation and standardization ”, will take place between 21/12/2019 – 21/12/2020. The stage consists of seven activities that include the design of the toilets and the platform, the implementation of applications and demonstrators, the testing and validation of the common platform and the applications and demonstrators that use it to ensure the security and security of the data. There are planned actions for dissemination, exploitation and standardization of the results obtained for obtaining innovative products and services. By December 2023, three stages of annual reporting of the economic effects obtained from the commercialization of these new solutions are foreseen.
Time schedule:
Funded by UEFISCDI – Program 3 – European and international cooperation – Subprogramme 3.5 Other European and international initiatives and programs, EUREKA traditional (network), EUREKA cluster, EUROSTARS projects
Specific program: ITEA3
Project number:
PN-III P3-3.5-EUK-2017-02-0063
Nr. UEFISCDI financing contract: 66
2018 – 2021
Total value of the project: 3,016,378 lei
Non-refundable value: 1,889,174 lei
International project coordinator:
Turkcell (TR)
Coordinator Romania:
Project director:
Dr. Chenaru Oana Gabriela, PhD
Tel: +4 0751 308 244
Ericsson (TR)
Gemalto (FR)
Turkgen (TR)
Universities of Burgundy (FR)
University of La Rochelle (FR)
Pertimm (FR)
Beia (RO)
Softeam (FR)