Project supported by funds provided by the Government of Norway
through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in the field of financing
“Green Innovation in Romanian Industry”
Project: “Smart Micro Grid Controller <Smart-µGC>”
-Project co-financed by Norwegian Grants-
Announcement of participation in the tender selection procedure for the award of the Supply Contract
“Website design and development”
part of the “Smart Micro Grid Controller” project
1. Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA based in Romania, Bucharest, Sos Electronicii no. 22, sector 2, telephone + 4021/2525577, fax + 4021/2525496, announces the start of the project “Smart Micro Grid Controller <Smart-µGC>”, project co-financed by the financing program “Green Innovation in Industry in Romania” according to the Contract financing no. 2020/505837, concluded with Innovation Norway as operator of the program.
2. The object of the supply contract is: the delivery of “Website design and development” part of the “Smart Micro Grid Controller” project.
3. Procedure applied: The tender selection procedure applied by private beneficiaries in projects financed by the EEA and Norwegian financial mechanisms for the award of supply, service or works contracts.
4. Location of the contract: Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA based in Romania, Bucharest, Sos Electronicii no. 22, sector 2.
5. Type of contract: service contract.
6. Duration of the contract: from the signing of the contract until the end of the supply according to the contractual clauses.
7. Estimated value: 3,530 Euro without VAT.
8. Award criterion: The bid established as the winner will be the bid that meets the requirements of the tender notice, the mandatory general requirements, the minimum technical requirements required and has the lowest pricet.
9. Date and deadline for submission of the offer: 27.03.2020, 12:00
10. Date and time of opening the tenders: 27.03.2020, time 13:00.
11. Place and manner of obtaining the award documentation including the address to which the tenders are sent: the award documentation will be sent by e-mail based on the intention to participate. The offers will be sent by e-mail to:
You can get additional information from:
Contact person: Andreea GHINET;
Role: Purchasing manager
For detailed information on the funding program visit: