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Buletinul 5 LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroIMM – Noutăți LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroIMM

LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs: reactor anaerob multifazic de înaltă performanță pentru tratarea apelor uzate agroindustriale. Această tehnologie se bazează pe proiectarea unui reactor anaerob multifazic de înaltă performanță brevetat de AEMA și producția sa va fi personalizată în funcție de nevoile specifice ale fiecărui client.

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Second General Assembly of the LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs project

On 12th of March 2020 took place the Second General Assembly of the LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs project (LIFE17 ENV/ES/000331) with the participation of all partners of the project (AEMA, I&S, ITAINNOVA, SIS and EGA) at ITAINNOVA’s facilities in Zaragoza (Spain).

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Intelligent solutions for efficient control of micro-networks

During the conference organized on September 29 by our friends from Energynomics, with the theme “Intelligent solutions for efficient control of micro-networks”, the invited experts …

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On Tuesday, September 29, from 10 am, with the support of Energynomics, we propose a meeting in the online environment in which guests such as …

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Comunicatie redundanta securizata cu COGENT DataHub

Skkynet’s DataHub middleware was used by ABB to support a highly redundant and secure network of OPC A&E and real-time data on the Trans Anatolian …

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Announcement of selection of offers for the provision of consulting services

Project supported by funds provided by the Government of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in the field of financing “Green Innovation in Romanian …

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Offer request announcement for ‘Website design and development’

Project supported by funds provided by the Government of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in the field of financing “Green Innovation in Romanian …

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Data acquisition and control solution from remote locations

The proposed solution aims to develop a system that allows the aggregation and monitoring of data from several remote locations representing water pumping stations, in …

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Project supported by funds provided by the Government of Norway through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 in the field of financing “Green Innovation in Romanian …

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LAUNCH ANNOUNCEMENT project „Grants for working capital granted to SMEs – Measure 2” SIS SA

Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA announces the launch of the project entitled “SIS SA-Grants for working capital” project no. RUE M2-1909 registered within the …

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Stage Completion of the third stage of the Smart Microgrid Controller project

The SmartMicrogridController project has fulfilled one of its objectives: that from December the park will operate autonomously and provide the necessary energy to the buildings in the location.

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Anaerobic systems: a step forward towards sustainability in purification

The LIFE Multi-AD project, by treating and recovering wastewater, will reduce the environmental impact of SMEs in the food sector, as well as the operating costs of treatment. The technological solution will increase the organic load of wastewater by producing biogas, which will be used as a renewable energy source, thus saving natural resources and reducing the carbon footprint.

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LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs technological solution

LIFE Multi-AD AgroSMEs is part of the PTV’s 3rd Strategic Innovation Plan Technological innovation is a strategic variable for the food and beverage industry since …

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Life – a network of programs through SIS develops projects in favor of the environment and the circular economy

During the networking activities of the LIFE Multi-AD AgroSMEs project, Jose B. Carbajo participated in the final session of iCirBus-4Industries as a representative of the …

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Proiectul de cercetare Smart Microgrid Controller (Smart uGC) are de acum o pagina web dedicata. Va invitam sa accesati site-ul pentru a urmari: – stadiul desfasurarii …

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In cautare de noi colegi

SIS cauta noi colegi pentru specializarile: – inginer software automatizari, cu responsabilitati in proiectarea, dezvoltarea si implementarea sistemelor de automatizare, sisteme SCADA, programare PLC, participare in …

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PARFAIT – New international research project

SIS has become a partner in the international research project PARFAIT – Framework for the protection of personal data in IoT, funded through the ITEA …

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LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSME (called Multi-AD) is a research project within the LIFE program that aims to design and industrialize a high performance multiphase anaerobic …

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The beginning of the LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMES project

The SIS company offers a modern service for the owners of technological installations run in real time, of complex automated systems and/or of BMS systems …

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The PARFAIT project consortium, funded through the ITEA program, met in Bucharest on March 26-27 to evaluate the progress made and to establish the following …

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PARFAIT – First review meeting

The third joint meeting of the PARFAIT project consortium, funded by UEFISCDI through the ITEA 3 program, was held in Paris from July 1 to …

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Anunt demarare proiect: Smart Microgrid Controller

Proiect susţinut din fonduri acordate de către Guvernul Norvegiei prin Mecanismul Financiar Norvegian 2014-2021 în cadrul domeniului de finanţare „Inovare Verde în Industria din România” …

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Premiu pentru inovare pentru proiectul „AD-WINE”, predecesorul proiectului „LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs

Proiectul european AD-WINE (FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IAPP-286052), precursorul proiectului nostru “LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs”, a fost câștigătorul primei ediții a „Premiilor inovarii  platformelor tehnologice ale vinificatiei 2019”, fiind …

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LIFE MULTI-AD a fost prezentat la Conferinta UE privind Inovarea Apei.

Institutul Tehnologic din Aragon – ITAINNOVA a prezentat proiectul LIFE Multi-AD în cadrul unei sesiuni în care au fost prezentate și alte proiecte finanțate prin …

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Prima intalnire generala a proiectului LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs

In data de 26 septembrie a avut loc prima intalnire generala a proiectului LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSMEs (LIFE 17 ENV/ES/000331) cu participarea reprezentantilor partenerilor (AEMA, …

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Smart PDM: un nou proiect international de cercetare

SIS a devenit partener in proiectul international de cercetare Smart PDM finantat prin programul ITEA 3 al carui obiectiv este sa colecteze date de la …

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