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High performance multiphase anaerobic reactor for agro-industrial wastewater treatment (LIFE_Multi-AD_4_AgroSMEs)
LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSME (called Multi-AD) follows the design and industrialization of a high performance multiphase anaerobic reactor that generates methane-rich biogas, adapted for the treatment of waste water generated in the food industry (especially SMEs).
The Multi-AD reactor will be manufactured on request, for each need for wastewater treatment, with a capacity between 25 and 500 m3. It will operate continuously, being able to handle the entire volume in less than 20 hours. This will reduce the amount of wastewater (COD) by 90% and generate biogas (0.42 m3 / kg COD removed). The self-generated renewable energy will be at least 80% methane-rich (1.55 kWh / kg COD eliminated) and will be used partly for the operation of the digester and partially (50% surplus) for other operations (boiler heating, electricity generation ) – in industry.
The SIS partner is part of a powerful international consortium (SPANIA_ FRANCE_ROMANIA) consisting of five European entities (four private companies and a public technology center), committed to the idea of developing a complex industrial production system, fully in agreement and aware of the environment issues. surrounding.
The main objective is divided into the following specific objectives:
– Extension to the industrial scale of the eco-innovative anaerobic reactor of the current prototype of 100L (0.1 m3) up to 25-500 m3.
– Optimization and automation of the production system, in order to maximize the stability of the anaerobic process and to make it more robust when changing the composition of waste water or operating conditions.
– Construction of a 100m3 Multi-AD demonstration device and validation of the solution in a Spanish wine farm (Viñedos de Aldeanueva).
– Development of the “Anaerobic reactor design tool”, software that will be used for sizing future Multi-AD devices. This will allow Multi-AD design for a wide range of Food & Drink subsectors.
– The popularity of the software database with the data resulting from the use of our 100L Multi-AD prototype in a wastewater treatment plant “Depurados Azud AIE”, associated with an industrial park in Navarra (ES) that hosts several companies of vegetable processing.
The implementation of this eco-innovative technology will promote compliance with the EU Water Framework Directive and the objectives set by EIP-Water, giving European Food & Drink SMEs a leading solution, aligned with the global objectives set in the Europe Strategy. 2020.
Time schedule
LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency
2018 – 2020
- Total costs: € 2,318,714
- EU funding: € 1,388,190.81
- Water, Energy and Environment, Servicios Integrales SL (SPAIN)
- System Engineering Society SIS SA (ROMANIA)
- Technological Institute of Aragon ITAinnova (SPAIN)
- Institutions and Strategies I&S (FRANCE)
- Purines Almazan S.L. (SPAIN)