LIFE Multi-AD 4 AgroSME (called Multi-AD) is a research project within the LIFE program that aims to design and industrialize a high performance multiphase anaerobic reactor that generates methane rich biogas, adapted for the treatment of waste water generated in the food industry (SMEs). SIS is part of an international consortium (SPAIN_ FRANCE_ROMANIA) strongly composed of five European entities (four companies and a public technology center), engaged in the idea of developing a competent system of industrial production, aware of the environment.
The Multi-AD reactor will be manufactured on request, ad-hoc for each waste water treatment need, with a capacity between 25 and 500 m3. It will operate continuously, being able to handle the entire volume in less than 20 hours. It will reduce the amount of oxygen (COD) of oxygen by 90% and generate biogas (0.42 m3/kg COD removed). The self-generated renewable energy will be at least 80% methane rich (1.55 kWh/kg COD eliminated) and will be used partly for the operation of the digester and partly (50% surplus) for other operations – in industry.