INOVATION – Solution for the efficient integration of wind and photovoltaic power plants into the national energy system

The INOVATION project aimed to streamline the process of developing and validating a real-time management system for the efficient integration of wind power plants and photovoltaic power plants, which can be dispatched into the national energy system, under random variations in power. generated.

The project results in a platform for the development of modular, scalable and configurable equipment for the interconnection of the energy producers from renewable sources in the national transport network, respectively for the integration in the network of the National Energy Dispatcher or of other types of higher hierarchical systems. The configurability of the equipment through the platform allows the provision of a family of products, configurable with various functional modules such as data validation, protocol conversion, monitoring, prediction, etc., according to the needs of each project.

The integrated Inovation platform comprises several components that are intended to support the developer in configuring a Network Node or Control Hub type device. The user application is a means of configuring the equipment so that it meets the user’s requirements. The application generates a file that includes both the minimum hardware configuration necessary to ensure the requirements, as well as the software blocks necessary to implement the functionality. Based on this configuration the developer will integrate the hardware modules in the compact product that represents the Network Node or the Control Hub. Starting from the software configuration, the developer will interconnect in the Configuration Application the block functions in a project that he will compile and upload to the central processing unit of the equipment.

After the completion of the configuration steps, the equipment is tested in a simulated environment by properly adjusting the parameters of the simulators. The interconnection with the Wind Park Simulator and the the National Energy Dispatcher Simulator will be tested separately. In the individual testing, the functionality of the equipment is verified through the Configuration Application, through online connection to the equipment. After the completion of the individual tests the integrated testing takes place, after which the validation bulletin is generated and the product can be delivered.

Phase I, completed in December 2016, “Technical studies and comparative analyzes regarding the development of network node and Control Hub type products to meet the needs of users”, comprises three activities aimed at substantiating the specific premises, definitions and objectives for the project implementation, as well as and a preliminary identification of the technical characteristics and the modules necessary for the implementation of the project.

Phase II, completed in November 2017, the experimental model of the platform was designed and realized.

Stage III, “Demonstration and validation of the experimental model”, completed in October 2018, comprised seven activities aimed at defining the solution adopted for the INOVATION platform, documenting the use mode, verifying and demonstrating the functionality of the platform and the equipment obtained from its use.


PTE – Proiect Tehnic Inovativ, UEFISCDI


2016 – 2018


– Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS S.A.

– Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti