Configured controller interfaces to enable data acquisition to be used in the control strategy and forwarded this data to the remote monitoring platform; started working on the development of the control strategy on the PLC; detailed in the activity report the configuration details of each device, both at the PLC and local level and the pilot startup strategy; refined the operation of the desired control strategies: in band, time shifting, batteries charging mode or islanded mode.

Regarding the dissemination activities, we are happy to present the paper wrote by Lucian Toma, Radu Dobrescu, Oana Chenaru, Gheorghe Florea, “Battery Energy Storage based Balancing of a Microgrid”, the 12th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, București, România, 25-27th March 2021.

During the next period SIS teams aim at developing and testing the control strategies in the PLC, to ensure proper behavior in each operating mode, as well as lean transition between them and writing a new paper to be published in the next period: “Development of smart microgrids, a smart grid base” by Oana Chenaru, Lucian Toma to be published at SIMPOZIONUL ROMÂN AL ENERGIEI – SIREN 2021, 6-8 September 2021