The proposed solution aims to develop a system that allows the aggregation and monitoring of data from several remote locations representing water pumping stations, in a single dispatchable unit. Each location will have a monitoring and control equipment installed. They will connect to a Cloud Box equipment that will ensure a secure connection with the elements in the remote locations. Cloud Box allows the definition of a Cloud-IoT infrastructure and has the following features:
– Remote connection via Ethernet, 2G or 3G +
– Centralization and storage of data from all connected devices (centralization up to 10 years, depending on the number of tags and sampling period)
– Supervision of connected equipment, users and access rights of each
– Visualization of data in HTML5 web interfaces, with a sampling period of at least 60s. Tools are available for developing these interfaces
– View trends and events
– Automatic sending of alarms by e-mail
– Send orders to devices, without the need for a local public IP
– Data export in csv format
The main scalability constraint is the maximum number of 5000 tags that can be processed by the Cloud Box server. In such an architecture, the Cloud Box device can automatically identify remote devices, so no specific network configurations (such as private IP or static APN) are required, and communication can be done via GPRS. In order to be accessed, the cloud-box needs a fixed IP.
Z-GPRS3 and Z-PASS2 can be used both as data collection equipment, using available I / O interfaces or adding additional I / O modules, and as a gateway for taking data from other equipment or controllers via Modbus RTU protocol or Modbus TCP. Considering also the possible additional I / O interfaces, each Z-GPRS3 device allows the definition of a maximum of 100 tags, and Z-PASS2 allows the definition of up to 2000 tags.
If advanced control functions are required in the remote location, we recommend using an S6001 PLC, which will need to be connected via Modbus to a Z-GPRS3 datalogger or Z-PASS2 gateway in order to be accessed in the Cloud Box server.
The solution can be extended to over 5000 tags, in which case this Cloud Box hardware will be replaced with a virtual version of VM Ware that will be installed on a local server, thus allowing the application to be extended to 10,000 tags.
We invite you to download the attached brochure for more information.
We are at your disposal with a full range of services for such systems, including design, supply, programming and commissioning.