SIS SA as the only distributor in Romania of Cogent products, we inform you that the DataHub 10 software is now available as a managed application in the Azure marketplace. This new service is marketed as Skkynet DataHub an established industrial middleware solution. This Real-time middleware allows to securely aggregate, monitor, control and visualize live process data.It connects to any system using standard protocols such as OPC, TCP and MQTT. It pools data from all sources and protocols into a single, unified data set, and can receive, integrate, and stream over 50,000 data changes per second. Customers can now extend their streaming data to Azure, leverage hundreds of applications, create dashboards and connect to databases.
What DataHub features are available Azure?
- Tunnell/Mirror
- WebView
- Client MQTT
- Broker MQTT
- Redundancy
- OPC UA and UA A&C
- Alarms and Notifications
- External Historians for AVEVA Insight/Historian, InfluxDB V1 & V2, OSIsoft PI, REST API
- Remote configuration

Call us at 0765439170 to establish more technical information and get the offer.