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Project summary
The most efficient automated systems dedicated to the control of industrial processes are currently characterized by a hierarchical structure that implies the existence of at least two levels of automation: an executive level responsible for the classical control of the main process parameters and a level of supervision, responsible for installation monitoring and decision making. Most industrial environments require a system with a higher level of control, capable of improving and optimizing the operation of the plant. Unfortunately, the efficiency of algorithms decreases with increasing complexity of systems. It is necessary to provide periodic maintenance and upgrades, which are costly and time consuming.
Cloud Computing technology provides services based on Internet protocols, which allow access to scalable and virtual resources. The main result of the CALCULOS project will be a cloud service platform that offers packages of services for modeling and calculation with complex algorithms, capable of ensuring the optimization of the operation and the appropriate behavior in case of failures or in major risk situations. These algorithms are standardized as block functions, stored in executable format, to be compatible and to be used on any control system. End-users will be industrial customers who can also cooperate in designing and improving management solutions. The main users of the platform will be various groups of engineers cooperating to find the best solution for each specific application. The project proposes and integrates innovative elements, thus contributing to the improvement of the process of analysis, design and simulation of the automatic systems and to the increase of the safety, robustness and efficiency of the industrial processes conducted.
The main objective of the project is to design a cloud platform and associated services, a platform that will provide the processing resources for accessing and running the algorithms for advanced control and optimization of large-scale industrial installations. These services will allow the user to carry out online risk analysis and hazard prevention using generic algorithms for control, optimization, defectoscopy, diagnosis, damage prevention and fault analysis.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- Designing a platform that uses a user-friendly programming interface for different types of users;
- Development of an interface for several types of users: software engineers, engineers specialized in parametric identification and mathematical modeling, engineers specialized in process control (automation) who work with complex algorithms, including genetic algorithms and neural networks;
- Creating virtual machines that can host modules / applications, simulation and optimization algorithms;
- Reduction of maintenance costs for industrial installations;
- Improving the relationship between the academic and industrial environment;
- Improvement of Romanian industrial processes and installations through accessible methods and services.
- Chenaru, D. Popescu, „Execution of an IEC61499 Application on a Remote Server”, series Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, chapter Recent Advances in Systems Safety and Security, Vol. 62, pp 157-177, 2016, ISBN 978-3-319-32525-5, ISSN 2198-4190
- Rohat, D. Popescu, „Remote Execution Function Blocks for Distributed Systems”, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C, Vol. 78, Iss. 1, 2016, ISSN (print): 2286-3540
- Rohat, L. Ocheana, D. Popescu, G. Florea. “Solution based on IEC 61499 for Standardized Representation of Components in a Real-time Library of Reusable Algorithms for Process Control”, Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics (CEAI), ISSN 1454-8658, Issue 1, Vol. 17, pp. 81 – 90, 2015.
- Rohat, D. Popescu, „Web System for the Remote Control and Execution of an IEC 61499 Application”, Studies in Informatics and Control (SIC), ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 23 (3), pp. 297-306, 2014.
- Chenaru, A. Stanciu, D. Popescu, G. Florea, V. Sima, R. Dobrescu, „Modeling Complex Industrial Systems using Cloud Services”, 20th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS20), ISBN 978-1-4799-1779-2, pp. 565 – 571, DOI 10.1109/CSCS.2015.109, 2015.
- Chenaru, A. Stanciu, D. Popescu, G. Florea, V. Sima, R. Dobrescu, „Open Cloud Solution for Integrating Advanced Process Control in Plant Operation”, 23rd Mediteranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), pp. 973 – 978, DOI: 10.1109/MED.2015.7158884, 2015.