The Romanian Association for Smart City and Mobility contributes to increasing the visibility of the Smart Micro Grid Controller project by promoting it among its members.
Project Completion Announcement – Intelligent Control Solution for Microgrids in a Norwegian Funded Project
On Thursday, January 27, 2022, between 10:45 and 13:00, at the Caro Hotel, Slavici Hall, Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA based in Bucharest, held the Final Conference of the project “Smart Micro Grid Controller <Smart-µGC > ”.

Within this project, a methodology for designing and calculating impact indicators for microgrid solutions was developed and a smart microgrid control solution was implemented at Monsson ALMA’s headquarters in Constanta. The solution includes photovoltaic panels with an installed power of 120 kW, two storage systems of different capacities (40 kWh and 56.3 kWh) and a 120 kVA gas generator. The microgrid serves the Monsson office building. Controller developed by SIS on a redundant Siemens S7-1500 platform ensures the monitoring and control of the elements so as to make efficient use of the available generation and storage resources and to optimize the amount of energy taken from the national network according to cost.
Following the implementation of this solution, there have been significant cost reductions as a result of the savings achieved by reducing energy consumption and reducing CO2 emissions as follows:
– electricity produced from other renewable sources: 120 MWh / year
– estimated annual reduction in CO2 emissions: 475 kg CO2 / year
– installed capacity to produce energy from other renewable energy sources: 127 kWp
– additional income from the sale of surplus energy
The total eligible costs of the project are 263,225 euros, of which the grant from Innovation Norway is 115,000 euros and the value co-financed by SIS SA is 148,225 euros.
The implementation period of the project is 24 months.
Additional details can be obtained from: Dr. Eng. Gheorghe FLOREA, Project Manager; e-mail:;
See HERE the full article on the website of the Romanian Association for Smart City: